Решение #
Good - brilliant, excellent, superb
Funny - hilarious
Exciting - thrilling, gripping
Sad - depressing, moving, tragic
Boring - dull, predictable
Bad - awful, dreadful
b Замените выделенные прилагательные в обзоре прилагательными из таблицы в Упр.2а.
Решение #
good - brilliant/superb
bad - awful/dreadful
nice - superb/brilliant/excellent
good - superb/brilliant
bad - dreadful/awful
boring - dull/predictable
good - brilliant/superb
funny – hilarious
c Подумайте о том, какой фильм вы видели, или книгу, которую вы прочитали, и напишите рекомендацию. Используйте словарный запас в Упр.2а.
Решение #
Mission Impossible III - An excellent movie with a gripping opening scene. Brilliant performances by Tom Cruise and Philip Seymour Hoffman. The movie is full of thrills and surprises. Though somewhat predictable, it is a superb film overall.
The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe - An excellent children's book set in real life and a make-believe land full of brilliantly developed characters, this book takes us from our world to a land of spectacular scenery and surprise. Never a dull moment! You will enjoy the brilliant writing throughout this novel.