
77. Напиши вопросы для этих ответов.
1 7000
2 от 11 до 18
3 140 стран
4 в Москве
5 Мишутка
6 Культурные мероприятия
7 Национальная культура и традиции России
8 15
9 в международном клубе
10 Поездки в лучшие исторические центры
11 Для спортсменов и гостей
12 Футбол, волейбол и другие

Решение #

l. How many athletes attended the World Youth Games in Russia?
2. How old were the young athletes?
3. How many countries sent their young athletes to the World Youth Games to Moscow?
4. Where were the World Youth Games held in 1998?
5. What was the Mascot of the Games?
6. What did the Games also provide?
7. What were the guests of the Games shown at the cultural programme?
8. How many sports did the sports programme include?
9. Where were meetings with Olympic champions of various nations and Days of National Cultures held?
10. What trips were included in the cultural programme?
11. Who was the cultural programme interesting for?
12. What sports were included in sports programme?